- Italy FREE Shipping
- Europe Standard Shipping
from € 0.00 to € 119.00 = € 4.90
- Europe FREE Shipping
from € 120.00 and up
-Rest of the world € 29.99
- Gift certificate free of shipping costs
Shipping times are 2 working days for delivery in ITALY.
Shipping times range from 2 to 4 working days for delivery to EUROPE.
1. For security reasons, the Products purchased on the Site will be delivered to the address registered during check-out, unless otherwise indicated by the Customer and at the time of delivery the signature of the Customer or a delegate over 18 years of age will be required No deliveries will be made to post office boxes.
2. For each order placed on the Site, MGM Preziosi s.r.l. issues a receipt for the Products shipped, sending it by e-mail or post to the holder of the order, in accordance with the D.P.R. 445/2000 and of Legislative Decree 52/2004. For the issue of the receipt, the information provided by the Customer at the time of the order is valid. No change in the receipt will be possible after its issue.
3. Delivery costs are charged to the Customer and are clearly highlighted in the order form.
4. All purchases will be delivered by selected courier (hereinafter, "Courier") from Monday to Friday, excluding Saturdays, public holidays and local or national holidays. MGM Preziosi s.r.l. is not responsible for unforeseeable delays and / or attributable only to the Courier against whom the complaints of the particular case must be made. Shipping times range from 2 to 4 business days for standard delivery.
5. In any case, except in cases of force majeure or unforeseeable circumstances, in accordance with Article 61 of the Consumer Code, the Products will be delivered within a maximum period of 30 (thirty) days from the day following that of the conclusion of the contract, except that MGM Preziosi srl does not communicate within the same term or by the deadline agreed for delivery, including by e-mail, the impossibility of delivering the Products ordered following the unavailability, even temporary, of the Products. In the event of such communication, MGM Preziosi s.r.l. will refund any sums already paid by the customer for the payment of the supply.
6. In the event that, following the communication from MGM Preziosi s.r.l. of a delay in the delivery date, the Customer wishes to cancel the order, any amount already paid by the Customer will be refunded as soon as possible, and in any case no later than 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt by MGM Preziosi s.r.l. of the communication of cancellation of the order except for customized Products.
7. For the delivery of the Products, the presence of the Customer or his representative at the address indicated in the order is required. Upon delivery of the Products by the Courier, the Customer is required to check:(i) that the number of packages delivered corresponds to what is indicated in the transport document (DDT);
(ii) that the packaging is intact, not damaged, nor wet or otherwise altered, even in the closing materials. Any damage to the packaging and / or the Product or the mismatch in the number of packages or indications must be immediately notified in writing on the Courier's proof of delivery. Once the Courier's document has been signed without the Customer having made any objection, the Customer will not be able to make any objection about the external characteristics of the delivered package.
MGM Preziosi s.r.l. will send the Customer a confirmation e-mail once the Products have been shipped.
The Products purchased on the Site are delivered with the institutional packaging "VIA CONDOTTI".
Via Condotti Store: Gioielli e Preziosi - Chi siamo e la nostra storia

L’eleganza e la cura dei dettagli.
Il suo nome evoca le strade del lusso, ma con il brand Via Condotti abbiamo voluto spingerci ancora più in là, verso una sontuosità più accessibile.
Il brand Via Condotti è nato nel 2007 su scala internazionale per la vendita di preziosi. Tutte le fasi della produzione degli articoli di gioielleria, siano questi collane, orecchini o bracciali, si svolgono in Italia: si tratta di una caratteristica che non può non saltare agli occhi, in tutta la linea di prodotti offerta è sempre percepibile la maestria della tradizione orafa italiana.
La storia di via condotti
Con la proposta di Via Condotti abbiamo come obiettivo quello di offrire alla nostra clientela articoli di gioielleria raffinati ad un prezzo accessibile, senza tralasciarne la qualità. Le rifiniture, gli abbinamenti eleganti, la minuziosa ricerca dei particolari e di dettagli raffinati garantiscono infatti a tutti gli acquirenti un prodotto di alto pregio.
L’intera linea di articoli di gioielleria garantisce un prodotto di lusso che può essere definito attuale, ma che conserva una raffinatezza legata allo stile classico.